Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Wedding Pie

Ok, show of hands - who got up to watch the royal wedding yesterday morning at 4AM? I know a ton people who did, or at least set their DVRs to record. But I didn't - figured I would see plenty of highlights via internet to get my fill on Kate's dress, the carriage ride, and more. But my favorite accounting of the wedding, or at least the whole crazy mess of watching the wedding was on June Gardens' blog, Bye Bye Pie. I've been a long-time reader of her blog - just a lurker, not a commenter - but she has a whole family of commenters, and often they're nearly as funny as her posts.

I don't follow many bloggers that I don't personally know, but she's one I check every day. My husband has asked a couple of times what I'm laughing at as I'm on my laptop, and I've explained that it is a woman in North Carolina. No, I don't know her, but she's got some great dogs (Tallulah & Edsel), big hair, no job, and recently separated from her hubby. Ok, that doesn't make her sound fabulous, but she absolutely IS! And even with all the ups and downs in her life, she still manages to have a hilarilous outlook on her life. Check her blog out here and enjoy. Happy Saturday!

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