Monday, July 19, 2010

Picking Up Speed

I probably should've added "slowly" to the title, because we're not talking about any kind of quick process, on any front of my life right now. It has been a busy week and a half, but also very exciting. I haven't been the new kid at a job in 9+ years, and I had forgotten what it feels like to not know a darn thing! I guess I'm ahead of the game in some respects, since I've been in our health system several years and know a lot of people in key positions and departments. That will serve me well, and it has already been helpful as I've attended meetings with the other directors in my area.

I found myself being coerced (ha - twist my arm!) into going out to lunch four out of five days last week, a killer for my waistline and my wallet. But part of it is just getting to know coworkers - they wanted to take me out for my first day, then one of them turned 50 another day, and I couldn't turn down either one of those just to say that I needed to save money and eat healthy. And on Friday I had lunch with some of my best friends, first time we've met for lunch in months. But this week I'm trying to be better; my goal is to bring my lunch at least three days, AND to get some kind of workout in at least three days as well.

On the workout front, I walked/ran my first 5K last Saturday; it is a girls-only run put on by our system's foundation and fitness centers, and was a record setting event, with 800+ women. Hats off to all you people who are avid runners - it has never been me, but I'm giving it a shot! My friend Gail has been training for this 5K for the last several months, and I've tried to run with her at least once a week. She's able to run the whole 3+ miles at a very slow and steady pace, which I'm not able to do yet. We ran together on Saturday, but I also ran with a former coworker and her group, and found that their method of running was much more suited to my pace. They are training for a half marathon, using the Galloway interval method. So we walked a minute and then ran a minute, the entire way, and I really felt like it was something I could do and improve on. I like the faster run for a minute, and then the alternating recovery time. I'm meeting the training group this Saturday at 6AM, they are going to be running 6 miles - whew! There are apparently various intervals, depending on your skill/endurance level, but I think I will stick with the run 1/walk 1 and see how I do.

Dave's starting back with the P90X this week, it is something he can do while he's on the road. He's also been heading to the driving range some the past couple of weeks, getting his clubs back out again. Neil went with him on Saturday, and they worked on his swing for a couple of hours. It will be a good thing for the two of them to do together.

I made it to my cycling class tonight, first time in three weeks- whew. Now Gail's coming to pick me up and we're going to head the gym and put in a little time on the elliptical, AND catch up on some girl talk as well. Better burn the calories while I can, two workouts in one night - sweet!

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